Maximize savings and validate your team's expertise with SAS certification vouchers for the Predictive Modeler exam. These industry-recognized credentials ensure your mastery of SAS software. Certify multiple members of your team by taking advantage of bulk discounts.
This prepaid voucher, valued at $250.00 USD, is exclusively for the SAS Predictive Modeler exam. Please note, it cannot be used in Australia, China, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Korea, New Zealand, and Singapore. All exams are administered through Pearson VUE, with options to test at a center or online via proctoring. For added flexibility, you can also pay for exams directly through Pearson VUE using a credit card.
Vouchers are valid only in the country you select and must be used within twelve (12) months of purchase. Please note, all exam vouchers are final sale — no exceptions. Be sure to schedule and take your exam within this timeframe. Countries where vouchers cannot be redeemed should contact their local SAS office.